HARRISBURG, PA – Junio 29, 2023 − Senator Sharif Street issued the following statement after this morning’s SCOTUS ruling finding affirmative action unconstitutional.
” I am deeply disappointed in today’s U.S. Supreme Court’s decision finding affirmative action in university admissions unconstitutional, putting an end to an important tool in diversifying college campuses across the United States that has stood for decades. This is especially true of our Ivy Leagues.
Disparities are real. Systemic barriers are real. To turn a blind eye to the inequalities we see every day – including equal access to post-secondary and higher education – is irresponsible and is a further erosion of our constitutional principles of equity.
Generations of people of color, including my own father, John Street, benefitted from affirmative action and have consequently achieved great success.
Society works better when it is diverse, and all have an opportunity to succeed. The Supreme Court has historically helped to ensure diversity at our institutions of higher learning. Today we’ve taken a significant step backwards.”